Welcome Back (August 2023)

We are delighted to welcome everyone back to St. Ultan’s after the summer break.

Here are a few back to school reminders, and important information about returning to school.

Links to important information on the website:

School Staff Photos: https://www.stultans.ie/our-staff

School Calendar for this year: https://www.stultans.ie/school-calendar

School Uniform Information: https://www.stultans.ie/school-uniforms

90's Show

The children worked so hard for their performances at our 90’s Show last week.

Well done to everyone involved, everyone who performed or helped out, and our wonderful audiences both on Wednesday and Thursday night. Here are a few photos and videos from the show.

Dance Battle

Italia 90

6th Class Award Winners - June 2023

Huge Congratulations to all our 6th Class students who graduated last Friday! We were delighted to celebrate them and all their achievements over their 8 years with us in St. Ultan’s.

Each year at graduation we have some special awards to celebrate individual achievements. This year we presented the following four awards…

Lauritzson Foundation Award & Bursary: An award for achievements in music and a contribution towards further music studies. This award goes to a child who has participated and excelled in St. Ultans Presto project.

Attendance and Participation Award: An award for really good attendance and punctuality, and also to recognise a child that can always be depended on to support events, participate in events and turn up when they say they will.

Spirit of Saint Ultan: An award for a child who embraces and promotes kindness, bravery, excellent interpersonal skills, a big heart, a lovely nature and a generosity of spirit.

Réalt na Scoile: This major award goes to the child in 6th class who epitomises everything we value in Saint Ultans, the child who has contributed most to Saint Ultans, and has been a super ambassador throughout their time here.

Congratulations to this year’s Award Winners

Lauritzon Foundation Award - Klayton Iacob

Attendance & Participation Award (Joint Winners) - Wendy Akinyomide

Spirit of St. Ultans - Halle Glennon

Réalt na Scoile - Keelie Ava Mulligan

6th Class Graduation 2023

Congratulations to all of the boys and girls from 6th Class who graduated from St. Ultans today! Best wishes to each and everyone of you from all in St. Ultans!

A Walk Down Memory Lane

6th Class 2022/23

Congratulations to all our Graduates!

M. Lauren's Confirmation Class

On behalf of all the staff in St. Ultans Campus we would like to say a huge congratulations to Múinteoir Lauren’s 6th Class who made their Confirmation today. It was a wonderful day and a lovely service. Here are a few of the photos of Múinteoir Lauren’s class on their special day.

A big thank you also to Múinteoir Jennifer’s class, who were part of the choir. Thanks also to all the boys and girls for the beautiful art work them made for the church.

Finally a huge thank you to all of the grown-ups who (staff, family and friends) who helped the children get ready for their special day.

M. Jennifer's Confirmation Class

On behalf of all the staff in St. Ultans Campus we would like to say a huge congratulations to Múinteoir Jennifer’s 6th Class who made their Confirmation today. It was a wonderful day and a lovely service. Here are a few of the photos of Múinteoir Jennifers class on their special day.

A big thank you also to Múinteoir Lauren’s class, who were part of the choir. They will be making their confirmation next Friday.

Thank you to all of the grown-ups who (staff, family and friends) who helped the children get ready for today.

GAA Update!!

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who have participated in the Ballyfermot Festival of Football over the past few weeks. We are so proud of each and every child who took part in all of the matches and did so well in the finals on Tuesday. A huge thank you to everyone who came to support.

Ballyfermot DLS GAA

The organizers were very impressed with all of the talent in St. Ultans. If any of the boys and girls would like to take part in matches outside of school there are lots of opportunities with Ballyfermot DLS GAA. You can contact Paul on 086 218 9173 to find out more. There are groups for boys and girls from 5 - 16 years old.

Tuesday 16th May - Everyone Welcome - Ballyfermot Festival of Football

We are delighted to announce that tomorrow, Tuesday 16th May, both our boys and girls GAA teams (4th, 5th & 6th Class) will be playing in the final of the Ballyfermot Festival of Football.

This will take place at the Ballyfermot De La Salle GAA Club at 12.45. Please come along to support St. Ultans Teams. We would be delighted to have as much support as possible.

You can find directons to the Ballyfermot De La Salle GAA Club here:


M. Molly & M. Sinead's Communion Class

Congratulations to all the boys and girls in Múinteoir Molly & Múinteoir Sinead’s classes who made their First Holy Communion yesterday. A huge thank you to all the staff, parents and guardians who helped them prepare for their day. The children were fantastic and everyone looked amazing in their communion outfits.

Artist Appreciation April

This month for Artist Appreciation April the Artist all the boys and girls were learning about was Niamh Sharkey. Niamh's work spans from Disney illustrations to watercolour/pencil drawings. Have a look below to see that presentation that the children used to learn about Niamh and her work.

We had a wonderful assembly on Friday 5th May with Niamh as our guest. Here are some photos of the special assembly, and also some examples of the wonderful art the classes created.

Have a look below to see Niamh Sharkey’s Facebook and Instragram Posts about her visit to St. Ultans.